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Yoga Pose of the week: Plow Pose

Writer: Circlegoddess DesignsCirclegoddess Designs

Sanskrit name: Halasana

Related Chakra: Visuddha or throat chakra

Chakra chant: HUM

Benefits: Stretches the shoulders and spine, good for digestion, and calms the nervous system.

How to:

Please use caution when doing this pose. If you have any neck issues, please avoid this pose.

  • Lie on your back with arms alongside your body, palms facing down. Inhale, lift legs and and hips, then support the lower back with hands

  • Exhale as you lower your legs overhead, bringing toes to floor. Straighten your legs.

  • If your toes touch the floor, release arms to floor and interlock fingers Tuck shoulder blades under.

  • Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths.

  • Release hand and press palms into the floor. Tuck your chin to your chest, exhale and slowly roll down one vertebra at a time.

  • Modification: Bring feet wide and hold onto ankles.

Want to learn more yoga poses? Scroll through my yoga blog!


Circlegoddess Designs provides handmade yoga accessories, stock photos and vector illustrations for marketing, and custom designed accessories from Society6 and Redbubble.

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