Sanskrit name: Padmasana
Related Chakra: Sahasrara or crown chakra
Chakra chant: OM
Benefits: Tones the spine, relaxes the nervous system, and reduces blood pressure. Keeps the mind focused and alert, redirects energy upward.
How to:
Start by stretching your legs in front of you.
Bend your right leg and place your ankle on top of your left thigh.
Bend you left leg and place your ankle on top of your right thigh.
Lengthen your spine.
Place your hands on your knees with your thumbs and index fingers touching, or any other mudra you would like.
Relax your shoulders, close your eyes.
Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths.
Or sit like this for mediation for as long as you like.
Carefully release your legs.
Modification: Perform Half Lotus, bringing one ankle onto the thigh and the other just in front of the opposite shin. Another modification is to sit in with both ankles in front of the opposite shin.
Avoid this pose if you have sciatica or knee issues.

Want to learn more yoga poses? Scroll through my yoga blog!
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