Sanskrit name: Gomukhasana
Related Chakra: Anahata or heart chakra
Chakra chant: YUM
Benefits: Increases blood supply to torso, has an awakening effect on the brain, expands the chest, loosens the shoulders , stretches the thighs, mental clarity
How to: Grab a strap and put it over your left shoulder
Sit on the floor
Cross your right leg over your left leg and stack your knees on top of each other, pointing toes behind you
Raise your left arm over head then bend it behind your back, bringing your hand between your shoulder blades
Grab onto your strap
Bend your right arm behind your back and lift it up to grab your strap
If you can, clasp your hands together
Inhale and exhale for 5 to 7 breaths
Switch sides and repeat the posture

Want to learn more yoga poses? Scroll through my yoga blog!
Circlegoddess Designs provides handmade yoga accessories, stock photos and vector illustrations for marketing, and custom designed accessories from Society6 and Redbubble.
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