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Yoga Pose of the week: Camel Pose

Writer: Circlegoddess DesignsCirclegoddess Designs

Sanskrit name: Ustrasana

Related Chakra: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakra chant: RAM

Benefits: Increases mobility and flexibility of the spine and shoulders, improves posture, stretches the abdomen, expands the chest, opens the throat, and helpful for respiratory system.

How to: Kneel on your mat with your knees hip-distance apart.

Place your hands on your lower back.

Inhale and reach the crown of your head up.

Exhale and arch your back, keeping hips over knees.

Stay here for a few breaths.

If you want a deeper stretch, reach for your ankles or the floor. Bring blocks to the outside of your ankles and place your hands on them.

Go only as far as comfortable for you.

Want to learn more yoga poses? Scroll through my yoga blog!


Circlegoddess Designs provides handmade yoga accessories, stock photos and vector illustrations for marketing, and custom designed accessories from Society6 and Redbubble.

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