Here's another top 10 list! These are the 10 most memorable things that happened to us and things we did that we wouldn't normally have done in a non-pandemic world.
1. J shot hockey balls into the mailbox for accuracy practice.
2. We made Goalie in Quarantine videos - there will be a future post about this so check back soon!
3. I had fun with our window aliens. I made eggs and bunny ears for them for Easter. Then made them wear masks after that.
4. J watched Tiger King….remember that?
5. I ran a solo half marathon around the neighborhood while my family cheered me on in different spots.
6. We watched playoff hockey in August and September.
7. I ran at the local golf course because they opened it to everyone to run and walk.
8. We both had to quarantine when we came back from Florida.
9. I took social distancing photos at family dinners.
10. In a panic, J bought toilet paper online and it turned out to be fraudulent toilet paper from China.

Thanks for reading this segment of my “This Damn Virus” story. Catch up on past segments here and come back next Wednesday for the next one! Sign up to receive a weekly reminder email about this blog here.