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Writer: Circlegoddess DesignsCirclegoddess Designs

By definition, gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

What are you grateful for today?

Over the past few years, I've developed a habit of being mindful about what I am grateful for each day. It's a easy way to fill your mind with positive thoughts, which can improve your mind body connection, help with stress, and reduce depression. Sometimes I think of things I'm grateful for when I first wake up in the morning. It's a great way to start the day! I'll often write a few things that I'm grateful for in my journal that day.

Being grateful has opened my heart and opened me up to the endless possibilities of being able to help others. I'm grateful for my sewing skills because I was able to make masks during the pandemic. I'm grateful for my creative and analytical skills because I get to use them for my job. And my job helps the planet and people. I'm grateful for the long commute that I used to have because I wouldn't have listened the podcasts that helped me understand gratitude. I'm grateful that I don't have that commute anymore because I get to spend tons more time with J and my family. I'm grateful for my heart, lungs, hips, and legs because they've carried me though many, many miles of running and walking. And I'm hoping that all those miles have inspired someone, anyone, to get moving and be healthy. It is a wonderful feeling and I intend to continue to dive deeper into this feeling of gratitude.

What are you grateful for today? Your legs, because they carried you through a walk today? Your home, because it provided you shelter? Your significant other because they said I love you today? The trees, because they provide the clean air your breath? Mother Earth, because She provides a home and nourishment? I encourage you to think about gratitude today.

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous

Thanks for reading this segment of my “This Damn Virus” story. Catch up on past segments here and come back next Wednesday for the next one! Sign up to receive a weekly reminder email about this blog here.



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